Quick facts about plastic pollution of the oceans

9 Million
Metric tons of plastic goes into the ocean

100 Million
Metric tons of coastal plastic waste

Of marine biodiversity ingests plastics

Pieces of microplastic in a single PET bottle
Did you know?

All of the plastics made in the last century are still with us today. To make things even worse, if we don't act now, the rate we are polluting our oceans will double by 2025. By 2050, there could be more plastic in our oceans than fish.
Christopher Bean Coffee joins in the effort to protect our seas.
Here at Christopher Bean, we eagerly join the initiative of organizations and other companies, like Costa Sunglasses, to help raise awareness about this global issue. We're one with Costa as they recently launched a campaign, Kick Plastic, to continually fight against plastic pollution and for the protection and conservation of our oceans and seas.

In a quote from their campaign's site,
we get to hear from fishermen themselves:
"Americans may be recycling more than ever before, but we're also making more trash than ever before. So even though we're getting better, our oceans continue to get worse-strangled by plastic bottles, bags and other trash. As fishermen, we're in a unique position to do something about it. The oceans are our backyard, our playground, and you can bet we'll be there to keep an eye on them."

For use in any K-Cup brewer
As we join in this fight, we're proud to introduce our new BPA-free, completely recyclable Single Cup, which is part of the Kick Plastic campaign. Moving forward, well also start using paper products where we can.