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X Dark

  • Dark Mountain Magic

    Dark Mountain Magic

    Lo and behold the powers of a truly great coffee. Made with the finest, high-grown Arabica from Latin America and the Pacific, Christopher Bean’s Dark Mountain Magic is one magnificent blend- roasted to perfection by our master roasters. More than deep...

    $11.99 - $57.99
  • Espresso Roma

    Espresso Roma

    Christopher Bean’s Espresso Roma is dark roast coffee at its finest. The blend of Latin American, Brazilian, and Indonesian coffees brings forth a robust, complex, and full bodied flavor that will leave you fully satisfied. Perfect for a single shot,...

    $11.49 - $55.99
  • Espresso Dolce Vita

    Espresso Dolce Vita

      ESPRESSO DOLCE VITA Dark, rich, full bodied and indulgent. Our Espresso Dolce Vita is a perfect compliment of South American, Brazilian and Indonesian dark roast coffee beans. Perfect for cappuccino, latte, or a luxurious single shot.   100% Arabica...

    $11.49 - $56.99
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