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How to stop 9 billion K Cups from going to the landfill

Posted by Christopher Brown on Sep 8th 2016

Welcome Coffee Devotees!

Have you been shying away from k cup coffee containers, although all your friends and colleagues are using them? You patiently wait for your old-fashioned brewer while others sip coffee because you know those seemingly innocent cups are filling the dumpsters bound for area landfills with no hope of ever disintegrating?

Continuous use of these K Cups present an impending crisis and subjecting our planet to it is just plain WRONG! Combined with other non recycled plastics, we are emptying tons of cups into the trash with no end in sight.  You have seen news about the current havoc our environment is experiencing from non-recyclable, non-biodegradable k cups and we know you do NOT want to be part of this ever-growing, world-wide problem.

Well, now you don’t have to be!

Christopher Bean Coffee has joined forces with sunglass producer Costa Sunglasses   in the Kick Plastic program.  This program is bringing national attention to the disastrous effects non recycled plastics are having on our world.  To do our part, we have worked tirelessly to produce a cup that will not contribute to the chronic plague of never degrading plastic which clogs our landfills and covers our oceans with waste. 

***Introducing Christopher Bean Coffee’s RIGHT CUP single serve coffee containers! A completely recyclable cup.***

topher Bean Coffee takes you “Back to the Basics” with their ground-breaking solution to our mounting dilemma with non recycled plastic wastes while still providing perfect, signature coffee with every cup. It is easy to use and does not require lengthy disassembly to prepare it for the recycle bin.  Are you concerned with heated plastic cups that may leach bisphenol A (BPA) into your morning joe? Well, Christopher Bean’s exclusive RIGHT CUP also gives you a BPA-free coffee drinking experience. Eliminate that nagging worry about the chemical effects on your health!

Our exclusive container brings all the awesome ease of a “pop-it-in” single serve cup, without the remorse of adding to the mountains of plastic litter threatening our planet.

Here at Christopher Bean Coffee, we have packed the freshest, roasted coffee into the GREENEST cup on the market!   Our competitors have to let their coffee sit overnight before packing but our patented cup is designed differently, so it makes packing FRESH, roasted coffee a snap!

Made to use with any k cup brewer or single serve system, our earth friendly RIGHT CUP will give you peace of mind while keeping our land and sea pristine.

With 50 flavors and counting, we also offer Tea, Hot Cocoa and specialty Cappuccino in our completely recyclable RIGHT CUP.

So never use the WRONG cup again!

Help save our globe while enjoying your favorite cup of java. Pop in a Christopher Bean RIGHT CUP today and see what present customers are raving about! You will NEVER go back to slow brewing again!

BPA free, completely recyclable RIGHT CUP single serves in 50 amazing flavors!  

What’s keeping YOU from trying them right now!?!



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